Thursday, January 26, 2012

Coming Back

Things have changed in my life again, giving me more time to blog!

I spent much of last summer and fall getting closer to God, enjoying time with family and friends, and serving at a Christian ministry that seeks to minister to families.

God was teaching me a lot. He was renewing in me my passion to live on mission for Him. He has been showing me more of who He is. As a Christian, these are things I hope to grow in with each passing year. Even so, I am thankful for the progress He has made!

With family and friends there were day trips, weekend trips, and week trips. There were gardening, games, preaching, basketball, volleyball, boating, an amusement park, water slides, cooking, baking, entertaining, parades, painting, hunting, shopping, visiting, church meetings, geocaching, birthdays, a graduation....

So, here I am. In the thick of winter. Continuing to grow closer to God. Continuing to uncover more of who He is and more of His specific call on my life.

I'm sure that I've shared this verse before, but I'll share it again. It's a verse from God's Word that I have to say to myself often. It's a verse that reminds me that "i am not but i know I AM!"

Proverbs 16:9
The heart of man plans his way,
but the Lord establishes his steps.