Monday, September 11, 2017

Beyond Because

April 21, 2017

I've been kicking the phrase "beyond because" around since the end of June.

It comes from a little poem by E.E. Cummings, that I mentioned before.

The poem has to do with doing what you do beyond because. It makes me think of carrying on without any particular reason. No matter what. It makes me think of being who you are and putting one foot in front of the other even when you're not sure what you're actually doing or even why you're doing it.

It's living life without having to explain things every step of the way. The because is implied in the doing and because of that it stretches beyond it. It's a given.

One thing I want to be a given about me is my faith in God. I want my walk with Him to be THE thing that IS the because. THE thing that stretches beyond it. Every now and then I meet people like that. It's an admirable quality and seeing it expressed in another person is always a gift.

Like the lark who wings his why beyond because, these people know what it is to do what we were created to do and to keep doing it.

The lark of this poem won't let me be. I'm a person that is obsessed with whys and becauses and yet longs for diligence to carry on. The lark doesn't worry about those things. He flaps and flies and carries on because that's what he was made to do. The because is implied and the why is lived.

God intends for His people to be such larks. Winging our why beyond because by His strength and for His glory, now and forever. We see His grace in one another and the why is beautiful and the because is understood.

Here's to winging our why beyond because...Whatever it may be!

Friday, September 08, 2017

Currently: September 2017

September 8, 2017
September is the perfect month. Summer isn't quite over and yet the back to school season has
everyone feeling as though they've been granted a fresh start. I've been thinking about all of my favorite fall things lately as I do my best to soak up every bit of summer that we have left.

This summer went by at a slow and steady rate. It was FULL. It didn't seem like it flashed by and yet I'm definitely not ready to bid it farewell just yet. I traveled and we had a part to play in a handful of productions. There was plenty of time for beach days and hiking and somehow I spent less time with my friends than ever, but it didn't bother me too much.

A new month is here and I'm currently...

Celebrating: The pieces of summer that are hanging on, my birthday, and this new season of life that we've entered into.

Watching: We finally finished up Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. We've also watched Compete to Eat, The Help, Monk, and a little Sue Thomas. I've been in the mood for Downton Abbey, but haven't actually turned it on yet.

Welcoming: Change. For the first time in my life...I'm not completely sold on the idea, but I'm doing my best and trusting God with the rest.

Preparing: My fall resolves. I've had some specific themes on my mind and I'm doing my best to zero in on the tone I want this fall to have.

Photographing: Hardly anything. I haven't used my camera camera in MONTHS. I've been itching to get back into it.

Linking up with Anne and Lowanda!

What makes your currently list?

Sunday, September 03, 2017

Reading Lately: Summer 2017


I keep saying that 2017 is the year I've read a lot less than I have over the last few years. Sorry if you've been missing the book related posts. There is something about reading less that makes getting lost in a good book even more meaningful and enjoyable than it normally would be. I'm not sure how this happens, but it's definitely something I've noticed. 

So, I haven't read much this summer...Here's a look at what I have read and what I thought about each one. 

Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger // After taking part in a fiction writing contest (that I didn't place in) and running across a reference to Salinger's short story "A Perfect Day for Banana Fish", I knew I needed to take some time to read some short stories. So, I picked this volume up and did my best to enjoy the stories even though I was in it to observe the craft. My relationship with Salinger is an interesting one...I don't particularly like or relate to his characters. He has a way of getting under my skin. And THAT is why I keep coming back for more. He challenges me in a way few authors do. I read a few of these stories out loud to whoever happened to be in the living room and let him remind me that short stories don't have to be tidy. They can raise questions and confront people with uncomfortable topics. They can have a moral that isn't resolved. In short, it went the way it always does.

Come Rain or Come Shine by Jan Karon // Somehow, I had placed a hold on this book at my old mail order library. Since moving, I haven't really been using their services because I thought postage might be too much. Well, they contacted me and said, "You have a hold on this book. Do you want it?" To this day, I have noooo idea how this hold took two years to catch up with me or even WHY I placed this book on hold. It came in the mail and I read it feeling like I was "supposed" to. The whole time I wondered what I had gotten myself into and by the end of the book I gave it three stars. It's the kind of quick, easy read that doesn't really stick with you. This one happened to be about a wedding. It made me cry and caught me in a bit of a vulnerable place. It's about a good guy settling down with a special lady and the two of them being joined by a bunch of friends who might as well be family who are just as happy that they've found each other as they are. Every now and then, something this sappy is good to take some time on.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling // My journey to the end of the HP series was a LONG time coming. I've written about the whole thing here, there, and everywhere. While this book wasn't my favorite in the series, I still gave it five stars. It took me MONTHS to make my way through it. While I wanted to finish the series, I guess I didn't really want it to end. The intensity of the conflict between Voldemort and Harry came to a head...The movies cannot prepare you for the way these books will impact you. Especially when it comes to this final installment.

MWF Seeking BFF by Rachel Berstche // After slowly making my way to the end of HP and not reading much else all summer, picking this light hearted book of essays on friendship up with my book club friends was the PERFECT way to transition to the end of summer reading. I'll admit, I was a bit embarrassed to be carrying this book around or to TELL people what I was reading. In a lot of ways, it felt like a kind of summary of the last two years. I've "dated" quite a few girls trying to find my people in this new town. I've integrated myself into different circles and have wondered when I'll find one that feels even a little bit like the circles of friends I've left behind leading up to now. Rachel's take on and journey to friendship is considerably different than mine, but reading her stories was entertaining. She was crasser than I would have preferred, which means I won't be plopping this book into people's hands.

Troubling a Star by Madeleine L'Engle // This was the first of the "books to read before you turn 27" that I assigned myself in the month leading up to my birthday. I picked it up at a thrift store sometime last year and was waiting for the perfect time to read it. When I got into it, I was pleasantly surprised that Vicky was getting ready to celebrate her birthday too. She remembered her Grandfather and reflected on his wisdom every now and then as the mystery unfolded. This wasn't the best book plot-wise, but it was as beautiful as L'Engle's prose always is. The details made the story come to life and the themes were perfect for chewing on during the days leading up to adding another candle to my cake.

So, that's what I've been reading this summer. 

What have YOU been reading lately?