Tuesday, January 20, 2009

America- The Age of Opportunity

As I sit here watching live coverage of the Inauguration of the 44th President of the United States of America, I am feeling mixed emotions. Like many others, I rejoice over how far America has come. Like many others, I am saddened over the state of America serving herself rather than God. Like many others, I am unsure what to think. God is recognized, but by men and women who do not seem to be living for Him.

What do we make of all of this? Should we rejoice over it? Should we be fearful of what lies ahead? Should we be angry that ungodliness seems to reign?

I believe that the answer to all of these questions is a loud no! They are not even questions we should earnestly consider.

Rather than focusing on the issues we tend to lean on, we must lean on God instead. No matter where we live or what America comes to, as Christians, our purpose is to live in such a way that magnifies the glory of God. This purpose will not change no matter what lies ahead.

In the words of one spectator, "While my children were asleep, Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream came true". I believe this may be so, but as a man of God, Dr. King would have had new things to say on this day. He wanted equality not so much for the people, but for God. That together, they may come together as one people to serve Him. For when a people is broken, the body of Christ is not functioning as to magnify the Father. 

The age of opportunity is ripe. 

This day, consider the words found in Ecclesiastes 12:13:

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: 
Fear God and keep His commandments, 
For this is man's all. 

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