Friday, January 23, 2009

Think About This

I'm taking a science class in college right now. A lecture today with Dr. K. Elder got me thinking....

Consider all the lives that have been dedicated to scientific discovery, text books that have been written, experiments that have been conducted, conclusions that have been made, and arguments that have been had. 

Okay, so we'd run out of time if we considered ALL of these things right? And yet -

"Man's present scientific knowledge and the body of scientific laws which man beleives to be reasonable established, are based really on the observation of an amazingly small fraction of the universe around us over an extremely short period of time... 

It's all just a tiny probe into the vastness of God's created universe."

Little by little, our finiteness is being made clear. 


  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Hey Victoria!

    Yes, I finally figured out how to comment! :] Good observations... I was listening to public radio recently and heard a guy comment that our knowledge of this world would be so much "better" if it weren't for "this most annoying substance known as water!" I had to laugh but also frown. It's sad that many people view God's creation as being a burden when it's such a blessing! God told us in the beginning that He declared His creation to be "good"! How wonderful for us in that. It's true, that we really haven't even scratched the surface on exploring the "great unknown" of this universe. Isn't it marvelous knowing that we serve an Almighty God who does KNOW all there is to know about everything!

    Take care ~ Erin :]

  2. Thanks for the sharing your thoughts Erin!

    Our God is an awesome God :)


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