Sunday, April 05, 2009

Palm Sunday

Today was a great day. The sun was bright, I broke out my first "spring outfit", the lawn is looking way better, and I'm truly recharged for another week!

On top of all that and a very fruitful Saturday, some deep thoughts regarding world and life views have been on my mind lately. 

I quote a sermon I heard today -

"Zeal by itself is not enough. Zeal must be accompanied by knowledge to produce a right world view lived out!" 

This means, we must not only know what we believe. We must also be passionate about it and sincere in our pursuit of living it out. As we seek to know Truth, we must also seek to be devoted to it. 

Looking at the choices that Peter made near the death of Jesus, we see a man who totally denied all Truth. As I pondered Peter's actions, words, and emotions I began to realize this:

How often do I deny Jesus with my actions of sin? I, like Peter, know who Jesus is...but in my sin I speak otherwise. 

I must remain "in the garden" (experiencing Jesus' presence) with all zeal and knowledge living for Him. Knowing God and making Him known. 

Satan comes to deceive us looking like light, but Jesus is the true Light. I must seek Him alone. 

I was further challenged by these thoughts after hearing some statistics -

Does my Christianity look like Jesus

If not, it's's's turning people away...I neither know God nor make Him known. 

So - what's your world and life view? Everyone has one. You living for Truth or for lies? Do you look like Jesus or satan? 

One simple question to get you thinking - 

If I had to pick one theme as to what my goals truly revolve around, what the meaning of my life is rooted in, what determines my desires, speech, and actions - is it Truth (as found in the Word of God) or the stuff of the world (as found on Oprah, Dr. Phil, so many of our classrooms, newspapers, and in all of our fallen hearts)? 


  1. Amen sista!! Happy [late] Resurrection Day! He is risen indeed!!!!

  2. This is a good one, Sis. Does my life/world revolve around reflecting Jesus or not?...that's the question.

    The more I 'reflect' on the days, the more I realize just how much I fail without realizing at the time that I did indeed fail. So many opportunities missed because I'm a coward of truly little faith.

    Hugs -


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