Friday, April 10, 2009


I have never been a big fan of spring because it brings thoughts of rain, mud, and mess. Even so, as it begins to lead into summer I rejoice!

The temperatures rise, the flowers bloom, the grass begins to turn green, the sun and blue skies return! I am reminded of the seasons in my own life as such drastic change takes place in God's lovely creation around me.

This last week has been one thing after another for me. Amazingly I'm not too behind in school, my family is happy with me (mostly), and I've been able to bless others outside of our home.

Today mom and I spent some time cleaning her room. I cherish the times we get to work together.

You see, usually we don't really do that much anymore. She's trained me and now reaps the blessings of the seasons spent patiently enduring my "learning".

As we went through her room she was blessed becaues the job was being done right. I was blessed by her companionship. My dad will be blessed by the outcome.

Take joy in spring. Take joy in your family. They are both blessings sent from God that we might taste and see yet another glimpse of His goodness.

Oh magnify the Lord with me,
Let us exalt His name together!
Psalm 34:3

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