Sunday, June 07, 2009

Encounters in the City

I spent my Saturday running errands and shopping in the city this weekend. We saw a lot of things, made some good purchases, had interesting conversations, and discovered a little bit more of secular humanism's influence in America.

Among the things we saw:

Two car accidents.

The providence of God - had mom rushed along like I was pushing her to do towards the end of the day, the chances are very great that we would have been around for both of them.

People who worship very different things made manifest by the way they talk, dress, and act.

Cute old people - 'nuff said.

"Corner!" at Outback Steakhouse.

Pretty scenery.

Comments among the conversations we had:

"It's not their place to judge....Everyone has a right to be who they want"

"I really admire that. It takes a special person to follow God [so religiously]."

Some amazing things about the day were the amount of things we got done...the provision of the Lord in the way of some new clothes to add to my wardrobe (with the styles of today it truly is a blessing when I pick up modest clothes that fit my figure) lasted longer than I did...God gave us safe travels, good fellowship with one another, and more reasons to be thankful for the community we live in!


  1. Victoria, that sounds similar to my Saturday! Mikaela and I are going to Utah on Wednesday for some violin teacher training. We have been really busy, so Mama "kidnapped" us yesterday, we went out for breakfast, and we had a wonderful mother-daughter time. Running errands, yes, but in between picking up plants and reading coupons, we got some good conversation in!

  2. The fact that I lasted longer than you is what is amazing.

    ...and the high-tops I got...and the reaction from Jacob when he thought I was going to wear them around town.


    The yummy food!!!

    ...and spending time with my two favorite young ladies.

    I just can't believe there is a more blessed Mama out there - and to Him I give all the glory!!!

    Love you!


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