Sunday, July 19, 2009

Experiencing Hospitality

This last week, my family went away on a retreat. We were privileged to spend time with about 15 Christian families at a ranch in the countryside. 

This place is a wonderful get away for us. We have developed friendships with the people that live there as well as other guests we've met during the different times we've visited. 

The element that makes this place in the middle of nowhere so appealing, even to a "city" girl like me, is the way the people there extend hospitality to their guests. 

Through the different times I've visited, I've learned that in the body of Christ, we must take turns serving and being served. To say it another way, in our serving there will be times where we are also being served and it is essential that we gladly accept it

These experiences (both serving and accepting service from others) provide a unity in Christ  and teach us a little more of this bond we share in Him. 

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