Friday, July 31, 2009

Summer Count Off

Things of This Summer 2009
  • Shopping for Clothes
  • Vacation Bible School
  • BBQing with Friends
  • Watching Fireworks over the River
  • Swimming
  • Reading Good Books
  • Watching Swimming Lessons
  • Tutoring
  • Seeing "Up" at the Theatre
  • Went to the Water Park
  • Summer Reading Program
  • Family Camp
  • Seeing the Guys from Reach Records in concert - TWICE
  • Picking Raspberries
  • Cooking up massive amounts of food when our freezer began to thaw out (on accident)
  • Seeing Harry Potter at the Theatre
  • Setting up Mom's Gazebo 
  • Picnics in the Park
  • Walks in the Warm Night Air
Yes, there are some things I'd like to, plan to, and will add to the list - but so far, I'd say that my summer is going quite well! The best part -

I know that all the things (good and "bad") I've been facing this summer are for my good in that they are shaping me into the image of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So that, God may be made known among those I come into contact with and my joy may be full!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great summer! I wrote myself a summer to-do list, which I have about half done, but I'm still quite pleased! Now I can't believe that school starts in 20 days!


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