Friday, August 14, 2009

Bible Reading

This year, I committed to use this plan to read through the Bible in one year. For the first four months I never missed a day. I'm not sure what happened, but during the month of May I got behind. I've been in the Word - just not following "the plan". 

Recently I read this article by John Piper. It's about making resolutions for this autumn by faith in Jesus.

Then, I read this article by Ron Frost. It's about making this the year that you commit to read the least two or three times a year!

So, among my resolutions for this autumn is spending at least one hour each day reading the Word. I've decided to pick up my plan where I left off and whatever I read during that hour (or more) will be checked off. 

If you were to make (or have made) resolutions for this autumn, what are they?

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