Saturday, November 07, 2009

If Only a Murmur

"This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!"

Many of us have enjoyed this song from Psalm 118:24.

How true are the meaning of its simple lines.

Recently, I have been faced with days that do not seem to hold reason for rejoicing or being glad.

A dear friend of mine has been struggling.

Some dear friends of our family have been faced with uncertainty as their nine year old son was terribly injured in an accident. The life of this boy hangs in the balance. The future of his family seems to be on the line.

Even though I am unable to be with any of these people at this time, I have been burdened for them. When I find myself enjoying the moment, I think...."Why should I be happy?" This moment, my friends are facing hardship and need me to turn to the Lord on their behalf.

In my own life, I'm feeling as if there is more. I find myself reaching for the door knob that leads to the next season in my life. Yet, I am here.

And that's it. That's when I remember, this IS the day that the Lord has made. Whatever fills this day is exactly what He wants to fill it. There IS reason to rejoice AND be glad in it!

May this be the shout of my heart on good days and seemingly bad days...I pray that even if it's not, it will at least be a murmur.


  1. Thank you, Victoria! That is an encouragement to me today!

  2. I'm glad, Lauren! :)

  3. I'm praying for you dear friend!!

    Forgive me if I'm ever a burden to you. Usually I'm just being a mouth when I should be ears. I love you girl and know that you're in my daily thoughts and prayers!! May you continue dwelling in the peace and joy of our beloved Christ.

  4. Erin~

    You are NEVER a burden to me, don't you ever think that! Knowing you has been wonderful, you are a godly mouth and ear! I'm so blessed to be here for you in times of happiness as well as in times when it feels like "the depths of despair"! Although, the lesson behind this post reminded me, that - even on our darkest days- as God's people we never have reason for anything less than gladness and rejoicing!



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