Friday, April 30, 2010

Be a Lion pt. 1

Isaiah 52:7
"How beautiful upon the mountainsare the feet of him who brings good news,
who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness,
who publishes salvation,who says to Zion, 'Your God reigns.'"

*A series of posts encouraging all of God's people to master the arenas that He has placed them in for His glory.*

Monday, April 26, 2010

Worth Your While

Take some time. Go check it out.

NEXT is a conference for 20-somethings put on by Sovereign Grace Ministries over in Maryland.

After the conference is over, they post the messages on the website so that everyone can listen for free.

There is a monthly webzine full of truth.

I've been blessed by their ministry and thought that you would be too!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Lion's Anthem

Even though this is not my favorite song on the album, it does have some of the best lyrics.

Here are the lyrics:

~Verse 1~
This counter culture rapping
False Idol smashing
Tap a friend ask them, is this lion attacking
We're ready for action, break the cage we were trapped in
You might want watch out my dude
Get your L's up
Let me tell you about some lions who's running the streets
Pam is a podiatrist, yeah, she has beautiful feet
Raheem is a boxer, he's beaten the best
But the hardest fight is when he is daily fighting flesh
Marco is a trainer he's training Raheem
He teaching him to be a man in and out the ring
Joy is a young sister, singer by title
She's on her Paula Abdul, she left American idols
Yeah I know a doctor, his name is Jason
He prays the Lord keeps working on his patients (patience)
Yeah Yeah the saints up in the house
If you're repping in the jungle, give a big lion shout to

Gentlemen, Royalty, Priesthood, Peace Makers, Leaders, Unashamed Brothers get your Ls up
Ladies, Queens, Princesses, Trendsetters, Righteous, Virtuous Sisters, get your L's up
Lions, Lovers, Servants, hate sin, hate lies, Household of Faith get your L's up
So get your L's in the Air

Verse 2

Look at Sarah she's a beast with a comb and hairbrush
Yeah she does hair but she really knows the Heir
Who makes the flattops, wave, and the shiner
I guess its safe to say she knows her Designer
Carlos sells shoe like nikes, chucks, and timbos
So in many ways he used to save souls
Jimmy a fisherman he's got new purpose
he's fishin for souls yeah he's causing networking
Paul trades stocks and he keeps that money coming
When it's 99 cents he's trying to make it 100
But my man Paul's not defined by the dollar
He's clothed in righteousness whether white or blue collar
Ming works at a law firm out in Las Vegas
But his favorite thing to do is that cross examination
Ok, the saints up in the house
If you're repping in the jungle, give a big lion shout to


Verse 3

Ahmad writes for magazines English was his minor
When he walks in the spirit he has a ghost writer
Kiesha owns a bakery with her husband Ramon
They always tells their kids not to live off that bread alone
Keith plays basketball and everywhere he goes
He a defense for the faith, he stays in the zone
Theo is an officer, this might sound crazy
He's the only cop I know that wakes up to die daily
Dane teaches kids how to multiple and add
She knows that 3 equals 1 that's that biblical math
I know a Lion Steve who wears post office blue
Even on his off days he delivers Good News
My cousin at the IRS his name is Thomas
On many different levels he deals with false prophets (false profits)
Yes, Lord! The saints up in the house
If you're repping in the jungle, give a big lion shout to


*For everyone wondering what "get your Ls up" means:
Sho Baraka is known for getting the crowd to use their index finger and thumb to form an "L" and wave them in the air when he raps. This was especially popular with his song "Higher Love". In this case, he's calling for that as well as getting up and BEING a lion! *

Come back next Friday for a big lion shout!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Just One Book

If you were only going to read one book outside of the Bible this year, what book would that be?

If I could offer you a suggestion, I know exactly what I would say.

It's called "Holiness" by J.C. Ryle.

This book has led me to deeper places in my walk with God. I have looked back on many faithful servants before me. I have also looked back on those people who glorified God by showcasing His justice. In short, I have learned MUCH from Ryle through this book.

I would love to see the lives of many others touched by it as well!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Lions and Liars

The first project of 2010 released by Reach Records was the cd "Lions and Liars" by Sho Baraka.

Needless to say, I was counting down the days until it was added to my iPod.

As with most cds, I do not like every song, but I do enjoy most of them!

I'm going to be posting about it once every week for a while. So, you might as well make yourself familiar with Sho Baraka and the inspiration of the album!

Join me as I have joined Sho in finding out what it means to
master the arena that God has placed you in for the glory of God!

Be a lion: run the jungle, master your arena. Make God known.

*A series of posts encouraging all of God's people to master the arenas that He has placed them in for His glory.*

Lions Anthem
Be a Lion pt. 1
Be a Lion pt. 2
Be a Lion pt. 3
Be a Lion pt. 4
Be a Lion Finale

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Words of Wisdom

It comes from Ray Ortlund Jr.'s blog over at The Gospel Coalition website.

We all have to pick and choose what we take the time to read I'd encourage you to take the next month and commit to giving this man your eyes and ears.

Most of his posts are short and very full of truth.

Sometimes they're even shorter and just different songs he likes or just things he's been thinking about.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Let's Play A Game

A challenge to anyone who reads this post:
Leave a comment answering the question I ask in this post! :)

One thing I love to do on Friday night is to have dinner, bake a sweet treat, and enjoy a movie.

For those of you who know me well, I actually enjoy a good movie any night! But, there is just something about planning ahead and anticipating an especially good one.

Some of my favorite Friday dinners tend to have an Italian flare.

spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread

chicken alfredo, broccoli, and garlic bread

Sometimes I get in the mood for something entirely different.

hamburgers, french fries, onion rings, and of course sweet tea

As far as sweet treats go...

Chocolate Chip Cookies


Nuts and Bolts

Toffee Bars

When I choose movies you never know what you're in for. I love a good mystery, but then again I like a little drama too.

And Then There Were None

The Shop Around the Corner

Though None Go With Me

For something a little longer...

North and South (2004)

What are some of your favorite dinners, sweet treats, and movies?

Friday, April 09, 2010

Words of Wisdom

“Begin reading your Bible this very day. The way to do a thing is to do it, and the way to read the Bible is actually to read it. It is not meaning, or wishing, or resolving, or intending, or thinking about it; that will not advance you one step. You must positively read. There is no royal road in this matter, any more than in the matter of prayer. If you cannot read yourself, you must persuade somebody else to read to you. But one way or another, through eyes or ears, the words of Scripture must actually pass before your mind.”

~ J.C. Ryle

Practical Religion, “Bible Reading”, 131.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Something New

I'm pretty excited about a new series that will start up next Friday!
It's probably not something that many of you will be too excited about, but stick around anyways. I think you'll be glad you did.

In the mean time, here are some things I've been enjoying lately!

  • Rain
  • Longer Days
  • Chocolate
  • Compiling Favorite Recipes
  • Learning about the Principle Approach to learning and living
  • Thoughts of a very enjoyable vacation involving: family, friends, the ocean, sweet tea, sunshine, a conference, flying, driving, historic places, and a concert.