Friday, January 07, 2011

Developing a Mission

Through advent this year the opportunity came up for me to request that our family seek God and labor together to develop His mission statement for our family.

I believe that such a focused declaration will help us use all of our todays for the sake of the Gospel. So often, we are living lives that reveal hearts of people who totally disregard God.

So, what does developing that mission look like?

I am going to request that we go through CJ Mahaney's book "Living the Cross Centered Life Together".

I listened to Francis Chan's talk at Passion 2011 in Atlanta and was challenged by this summary of his message: Make your life make sense in light of the Gospel.

I am challenged by what God showed us the other night in Bible study: You are alive, you are saved to become worshipers of God who help those around you become worshipers of God who help those around them become worshipers of God.

Worshipers of God know God, love God, and obey God. That is to say that they have a relationship with God. They seek Him daily. They hold Him in highest esteem, above all else. Finally, they do His will. They put off their sinful tendencies and put on the holiness they see in Christ.

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