Monday, January 10, 2011

Enter the Mission

The intro to the entire album is called "Enter the Mission". Featuring Dr. Eric Mason, DJ Official, and R-Swift, this introduction ties all that follows together.

It begins with Dr. Eric Mason speaking these words that I think of almost every day, "The Christian by identity is a missionary. We don't just 'do' missions. That's the most important thing we have to understand; that missions is not a trip you go on. Missions is who you are. The call of God for His people to go into the world based on the Great Commission is His call and His command to mission."

Wow....Christian, missions is who you are.

DJ Official also has a few words to share. He speaks for those artists who worked with him on the album who share one mission with God, each other, and all His saints. "That mission is to make Christ known to others in our everyday lives."

Christian, missions, that is to make Christ known to others in your everyday life, is who you are.

R-Swift then addresses everyone imaginable with a sort of battle cry for the missional journey that lays ahead.

Some of his key lines:

"They told me shoot for the stars, but my aim is Christ."

"Our hearts beat for the streets with no vitals in them...We're praying to see revival in them!"

"This is just the enter mission, as we enter the mission!"

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