Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Use Me

Living on mission is not a result of anything IN us. It is only by the grace of God that we can or will live on mission and continue to go. Pray that God would use you.

On this track, Tedashii shares some of the wisdom and passion God has given him.

The whole song is basically a prayer that God would use Him WHEREVER He sees fit. Tedashii does address people along the way with their need for the Gospel that God has sent him out with. He says, "What you need is a Savior to save you...and to set you free from the sin that's within. I've got that hope; Washed by His blood and shining bright...Saved by His grace and that by God alone. All so I could enter mission...trusting Him to get it done, I'll overcome every obstacle."

He then calls us to join him, "Let's enter mission with feeling. No time for sitting, let's get it..."

And the prayer begins, "Use me like you never have before. Give me passion beyond passive. Father, let me be Your voice, crying out in the wilderness, of peace. On a pilgrimage to feast on the Your Scripture then start spilling it with willingness...Submission to Your Spirit's hand, make it clear to men who are lost...the fact that they're mortal and they can't escape the fate...Sin keeps on adding up, how long before you've had enough? Surrender to the Master!"

"Use me however, Lord. I'll give it whatever, my talent, my time, my treasure. It's all for You, no exceptions. I want to give You every part of me. You deserve the heart of me, more than just my artistry. To some this is the hardest thing, but You came down, took the former man and pardoned me. Bore my load and saved me soul, for that, Lord, You get all of me! And this I mean it truthfully, because of what You do for me, You can find me enter mission, on duty! Everything I am, Lord, You can get it! Please sanctify me to live it as we walk on this mission. Trusting in Your only Son to tell them Your the only One that saves men, raises men, and now we live forever..."

May we join him in this prayer that exalts the name of the Lord. The One who was on mission before time began. The One whose mission has changed us. The One who has given us the mission to enter into! Use me, all of me, Lord! I'm willing because you made me willing and will keep me willing!

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