Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Once Again

I could probably write several posts everyday about the way the music I listen to blesses me. I know I have written numerous posts in the past about specific songs. In light of my last series of posts, I wanted to share some lyrics from a song that I know I have shared in the past. These lyrics communicate a truth I seriously think about each and everyday.

In our home it is quite common to hear a reminder that, "but for the grace of God, so would you/we be." This is a Gospel truth. As God's people, we are who we are by His grace because of the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit.

The lyrics I want to share with you today come from a song that FLAME did along with Lecrae and John Reilly called, "Joyful Noise".

Lecrae opens the song with them,

"Your boy has been a Christian for quite a few years. Victory in faith, but I've failed in my fears. I've heard a lot of words that have tickled many ears. That's why I praise God for the Word that we adhere..."

I live in this fallen world. I have heard the words that Lecrae is talking about. I have fears. By God's grace, I have faith. This is life.

I am a Christian and I have God alone to thank for that.

May God's people go through the lives that He has given them encouraged by His mercy and goodness and grace. Life may not be what we thought it would, but it is always God's best and happening to make us more like Jesus Christ.

This is our goal, to be like Jesus. God is good enough to labor with us and for us to make it our reality!

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