Wednesday, February 08, 2012

He Makes Beautiful Things

Once again, we have been enjoying a warmer, dryer, sunnier winter. Sure, it's February, but it certainly does not feel like it. Yet, here and there we have had snow and wind and ice and cold.

Extremes always remind me how needy I am. Every breath should be a reminder that I need God. It usually takes something more drastic to get my attention!

Acts 17:28 "In Him we live and breath and have our being."

My needs, my neediness have been given to me. I have been made to need, to depend on something outside of myself. There is only One who can sustain me. By God's grace, my needs continually bring me to the place where I look to Him.

By God's grace, my needs continually bring me to the place where I know Him.

He has given me life. He gives me breath and He will provide all that is best for me for all of eternity. I am at my best, I have the most joy, when He is front and center. When all my eating and drinking and prioritizing revolve around His glory and becoming like Christ in being concerned about the salvation of those around me....There I see the fulness of His grace.

For on my own without God's grace, the beauty would be there but I would not have the eyes to see it for what it truly is.


  1. i'm loving your words here. i see you're reading the Mission Minded Family... it's on my must read list!!!

  2. Great post! I think all the time about the fact that I have to eat over and over again and sleep over and over again and all of the built-in ways that we're reminded of our dependence on God.

    "He gives me breath and He will provide all that is best for me for all of eternity. I am at my best, I have the most joy, when He is front and center. " Beautifully said :)


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