Saturday, April 21, 2012

From Four Days

Favorite Picture
Came home to find these blooming! April 19, 2012

Yes, we do water our plants. Yes, this picture does look like it was taken on the moon.
Maybe I live there, maybe I don't.
Our soil really looks like this on it's own. We just started this flower bed last fall.
Give me 2 or 3 years and it will actually look like soil.


* My brother's team won BOTH games this week.

* I got some pretty neat pictures of the cutest second baseman ever. (He just informed me that that should read "fiercest second baseman ever"! See what I mean...He's cute!)

* Going to visit some friends and getting home in time to visit with another one that evening. 

* That the hyacinths have joined the daffodils and my tulips aren't far behind! 


* Being reminded that life isn't all sunshine and rainbows.
   Some of my friends are dealing with some serious problems in their family...I'm glad to    
   be there for them through it, but it is hard to watch. 

   Another of my friends has been dealing with tons of health issues among the young and       
  old in her family. 

* SIN.....That's the main problem with this world. Yours, mine, and ours. We really mess things up. Sometimes it just gets overwhelming. It kinda was this week. 

* This last one is really trivial. I made this post SEVERAL TIMES. Somehow, blogger did not save it and did not post it at the scheduled time. I THOUGHT everything was set, but when I got onto check I realized that no, it wasn't. Oh well. :) 

The top two lows are really highs when I think about it. Because, the low points in life are just one more opportunity to gather together as people, hurting, broken people. We share the love, grace, mercy, and sovereignty of God and the hard times tend to really help us BE THERE for each other. 

Not only is God good....He knows exactly what He's doing! 

I should just TRUST Him.

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