Thursday, April 12, 2012

To The City

Last week, I decided to take part in a mug swap (you'll hear more about that later)

That, along with a few other things, meant a trip to the city to do some shopping. It was a crazy day. 

I crossed everything off of my list. This is amazing! Even though I enjoy shopping of any kind, when it comes to clothes, shoes, and gifts I tend to be very indecisive. 

I came home with things not on my list. Usually, I make a list and I stick to it. 

My "treasures" of the day were a new bag, some sunglasses, and a novel. 

My brother modeling a non-list item. © Victoria 2012

A "blizzard" of sorts blew turned to the time I was driving home the sun was shining and the only sign of the storm were the huge puddles everywhere. Since rain, puddles, and sun are normal this time of year, I only took pictures of the snow. 

Parking lot shuffle © Victoria 2012
© Victoria 2012
My Mom © Victoria 2012

Thankfully, this was only the weather of one day in April! I hope it stays that way...

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