Friday, April 06, 2012

Two Walks

The special light that sunsets create are to me like the peace and joy and strength that come from knowing God and walking closely with Him.

This walk is familiar, it is the sunset. Many before me have enjoyed communion with Him. 

Yet, times come when the walk isn't so close. In those times the peace and joy and strength waiver. 

© Victoria 2012

I think He means for it to be that way. 

In this world that has been corrupted by the sin that we all hold so dear, we desperately need to feel the unsteadiness, the misery that comes when we are not walking with Him. 

Until we know what is to walk with Him, we cannot really know the misery of walking without Him. 

He was always there and yet, 
"...we esteemed Him not..."
Isaiah 53:3 

© Victoria 2011
Without the sunset of walking with God, that special light of truly knowing Him simply isn't there to be enjoyed.

Without the presence of God, lasting peace, joy, and strength simply aren't there to be enjoyed. 

How good He is to give us Himself as well as the ability to find fulfillment in Him.

Walk with Him...Bask in the light of the sunset and take the time to enjoy the beautiful light His presence creates in your life! 

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