Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Life and Times

Apparently, I enjoy playing catch up around here! Last week I did a lot of "going" and didn't really stop until this morning. I covered a lot of ground, saw a lot of people, and got a little dirty along the way.

From my "spot" on the back patio early one evening.

Since you heard from me last I have been:

* Enjoying a couple of rainy days.

* Trying out a new recipe for "brownies" that we decided to consider "cake" instead.

* Doing some very successful geocaching. 

* Taking in The Avengers in theaters. 

* Having an evening visit with a friend of mine.

* Finding out about a good deal on a camera and being able to buy it! 

* Skyping with some friends and learning more about a place called Ellerslie.  

* Taking an evening drive to check out some flowers and visit in a friend's yard.

* Heading out for a long weekend to meet up with friends and get some work done. 

* Picking up a new dog with a friend of mine and catching up with her. 

* Enjoying my first ever DQ Blizzard....Not sure how I haven't managed that before now. It was good. I'll be back. 

Now, I get to continue playing catch up around the house too. 

I'm looking forward to: 

* Planting some FLOWERS in the ground and in my pots sometime this week. 

*Playing around with my new camera that should be here in a few days.

*Having a CLEAN house again. 

*Putting away the "spring" decorations and pulling out the "summer" stuff. 

*Taking time to listen to some teaching DVDs and CDs about discipleship that a friend of mine loaned me. 

What are you enjoying right now? What are your favorite things about summer?

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