Thursday, July 05, 2012

15 Day Challenge: Day Five

 Today's prompt: "If you could have dinner with any five people, who would they be?"

Life of Love

I would have three dinners...I'm a planner, so I think it would take three different parties with three different focuses! 

Dinner Party Number One:

1) My Grandma
2) My Ghiddu
3) My Mother

At this dinner party, there would be talk of God and His gospel. There would be important questions asked and memories shared. I wouldn't want this dinner to end. Both of my Grandparents have passed away and I would want my Mom there so that she could enjoy a little more time with them too! 

Dinner Party Number Two:
4) George Washington 

This is one of my favorite people from history. I would love to talk to him about life in America during the "good old days". To hear about his passions, his dreams, and his time at Mount Vernon. I would love to hear what he had to say about God's work in his life and his nation. 

Dinner Party Number Three:

5) George Whitefield 

This is one of my favorite ministers from history. I would love to talk to him about missions, people, the Gospel, the Bible, his travels, and oh so many things. From what I hear he wasn't much to look at and his health wasn't very good - but his life is very intriguing to me. 

Random note - All three men in these situations happen to be named George. 

My Grandma (the one who was married to my Ghiddu) was engaged once before she married my Ghiddu....The guy's name? George. 

I know it's a more common name, but they just keep showing up!

How many more George's will I know or admire before this life is over? 


1 comment:

  1. How cool is that, that they all have George names! :)
    I love your lists!


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