Saturday, July 14, 2012

15 Day Challenge: Day Fourteen

Today's Prompt: "If you were only allowed to watch one movie for the rest of your life, what movie would it be and why?"

Life of Love

My movie would be "Remember the Titans". 


*Denzel Washington

*It's touching and sad

*It communicates a truth

*Denzel Washington

*It involves sports

*It's set in a beautiful part of the country during a time of overcoming

*Denzel Washington

I quote this movie often...It is definitely one of my favorites and aside from Disney's Beauty and the Beast, it is probably the movie that I have watched the most. 

The only thing that could make this movie better would be a clear communication of the Gospel and the way it transforms people so that they can live in peace and harmony that comes from Him. 

1 comment:

  1. this is an oldie but a goodie :)

    love your name!


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