Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Something Homely

I finally "know" who "The Nester" is. 

I have certainly heard of her, but I had no idea who she was or what she stood for. I have seen pictures of different rooms of her house and admired them. Just a few months ago, I read an article in a magazine that featured her. Now I have a better idea of who the lady behind those rooms and that article is. 

I am sure others have done it, but she is also the mastermind behind the 31 days of solid blogging challenge. Once a year, 31 days, pick a topic, and WRITE! 

The "31 Days" series that has gone on for the last few years is growing. This will be the second year she has opened it up for other bloggers to link up with her for the challenge. 

I have decided to do it. Sometimes it takes challenges to keep me (or even get me) writing!  The challenge starts October 1. I have picked out my topic and designed my button. 31 days of "how-to" on making a house a home. 

I just want to let you know, that while I'm excited about this challenge, I'm also excited to continue with the regular posts I write. 

During October, you can expect some straight 31 Days posts and some combo posts. 

I'm telling you all of this just in case you haven't heard about the challenge yet and want to join in. 

Go check out the challenge. Pick your topic. Make your button. And let's do this together. 

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see what you're going to write about.
    I won't be participating this year, but maybe next year!! :)


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