Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sometimes You Just Can't Wait

I am a seasonal person. There is a time for everything. If it's not time, I wait.


 Sometimes, I just can't take it any longer.

The other day, I decided it was time to pull out a Christmas movie. The night was complete with a warm blanket, chocolate covered peanuts, a Christmas candle that left things smelling AMAZING, and the movie of course.

The movie was stupid, but cute. I loved that it was set NYC. Thanks again to Mary Higgins Clark who made me fall in love with that place. 

God grants us so many simple things to enjoy. A nice quiet night at home with a good, clean, funny movie happens to be one of my favorites.

What about you - What's something simple you've enjoyed lately? Do you have a favorite Christmas movie? What are your "rules" about seasonal living?

1 comment:

  1. I loved this! :) I've been known to watch a Christmas movie in june...ha. :)
    Good for you girl!


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