Monday, September 24, 2012

The Scenic Route

This was a quiet weekend. On Saturday, I made my first and last trip to the river for the summer. (That's where all of these pictures came from.)

Sunday was a lazy day. There was sleeping in, reading (I started a new book at the river), cooking, movie watching, ice cream making, and that's about it. 

The book was "The Jew Store" by Stella Suberman 
The movie watching was "It Started With Eve" (1941)
The ice cream was Hot Chocolate complete with chocolate chunks and marshmallows

water and sand
Even though I'm settling right into this fall weather, it has me feeling a little "melancholy". I love the joy of the Lord. It is sweet for me and I know other people benefit from it when it is mine too! But, sometimes I feel like it is being held back.

Don't ask me why. I don't have an answer. I miss being the one always smiling and laughing. It wasn't fake or put on, it was who I was. And the absence did not come with the entrance of this fall.

flowers and clouds
Anyway, it's not very lady like, but I have something to share with you. I was sitting thinking and this thought came to me - "Even though today sucks (that's the crass part), that doesn't mean the rest of my life will or has to suck."

Then, in the book that I reading called (which is a memoir written about a Jewish family who moved to the south with the hopes of opening a dry goods store around 1920), there was a line that kind of went right along with it. The Mother of the family had quite a hard time growing up as a person of Jewish descent. The mantra that always got her through was that, "this is temporary".

So there you go, some words of wisdom for those hard days, times, weeks, months, years.

drawing in the sand and a sunset straight from the camera.

As John Piper puts it, "For the Christian, the best is ALWAYS yet to come." Whether our days are marked by one perfect circumstance after another, a mixture of joy and pain, or hurt after hurt, for God's people, the best is always yet to come.

What was on your mind this weekend? I'd love to hear about it! 


  1. These are beautiful thoughts, Victoria, and so encouraging. This weekend was rough for me due to feeling the loss of many that are dear to me in the last year, but it is SO comforting to know that the best IS yet to come if we are Christians. I need to hold that truth and hope close to my heart.

  2. fantastic words of encouragement...this is only temporary, man i needed to hear that today!!
    Also, i know what you mean about not feeling as joyful as you once did i think that's just part of the seasons of life we go through (as lame as that sounds)...some times we're more joyful than other times...and that is ok too.

  3. The Joy of the Lord is always deep within us, even through the trials of life.

    I love that you remind us that it's not important if we feel happy or not. Happiness is not Joy. Joy is deeper.


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