Monday, October 01, 2012

31 Days: From House to Home

Here we go, 31 straight days of making our houses into homes!

If you are new around here, and I hope that some of you are, use the different tabs at the top of my blog to get to know me a little better! Be sure to comment! I'd love to hear anything that you have to share each day. 
WHO: My name is Victoria and I've been helping people make their houses homes ever since I can remember. I'm only 22 and don't have any children of my own, but I know what it takes to keep things running smoothly, consistently. W-O-R-K. And lots of it! 

WHAT: I will be sharing a bunch of the basic things I have learned and consider essentials in home making. Everything from schedules, traditions, and entertaining (the "fun stuff)  to cooking, cleaning, and laundry (the "not-so-fun" stuff). 

WHEN: Everyday through the month of October. 

WHERE: Right here on 

WHY: I picked this topic because it's pretty much what my life is all about. I always joke that if I'm not scrubbing my floor, I'm probably out scrubbing someone else's. And it's true. I love people and where there are people there are serious opportunities to make them feel at home. I also know that this doesn't come naturally to everyone. So, I want to help! 

This is going to be one of the longer posts. Normally, I will pick a small topic and share a few things each day. 

Sometimes, it will be at the beginning or end of a normal post. Sometimes, FHTH will be the only thing on the blog that day. 

Whatever the case, I hope that we all learn a thing or two from this link-up! 

PS - If you've been around for a while, stick around! I don't want you to get tired of the theme I picked, so I'm also going to be putting up things that I usually post. 

1 comment:

I love hearing from you! Please be sure to leave your e-mail so that I can reply. :)