Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Off To the Market

After you've decided what you will be cooking, you also need to consider how and when you will shop for food. 

I encourage you to get into a routine. 

Have an idea of what belongs (and doesn't belong) in your cupboards. 

I keep a wipe-board in the kitchen where I write down things that I need as I run out of them. If you have a smart phone, there are apps like OurGroceries that can help too. I haven't moved that far into the future yet! 

Ideally, I prefer to do the grocery shopping once every couple of weeks. I do make special trips for things like fresh produce and milk in between though. 

Today's Tasks:

*Decide what you want to keep on hand.

*Decide how often you will go out for groceries.

*Make a place to keep a list of things to pick up next time you go shopping. 

*Make a list, stick to it, and shop regularly. Pick a day, pick a store, and use your time wisely. 

What are your grocery shopping tips? Do you make a list and stick to it? Do you coupon? 

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