Saturday, October 20, 2012

Set an Extra Seat

Yesterday morning, I began things with a little bit of John Piper and hot chocolate. 

The hot chocolate was complete with a touch of milk, marshmallows, and a special mug. 

The John Piper was from the sermon he preached last week. 

I didn't actually finish the sermon yesterday morning, but from what I heard it is like a synopsis of his life and ministry all in one place. AMAZING. 

Of course, it happens to be titled "God Is Most Glorified in Us When We Are Most Satisfied in Him". Go check it out. 

I think I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I LOVE having people over!

If you've noticed, this whole week I've been talking about cooking. I haven't shared a single recipe with you. Did you notice that? 

My (maybe selfish?) motto about sharing recipes is this: If I make something that you like, then you'll just have to come to my house and I will make it for you! 

I tell myself that I don't share recipes so that people will just have to come to my house. 

That is today's challenge. Have a home full of people that don't live there. 

It doesn't have to be every night or fifty people. Just look around and set an extra seat for someone who just might need a good meal. 

I tend to especially think of windows and widowers. Then of course, there are other families and single people. 

Whoever they are, make something yummy, plan to slow down, and enjoy helping someone have a nice time. 

Food has a way of bringing people together. Why not use the food you make to take advantage of that? 

Since it's Saturday I also have a little video to share with you. You've probably already seen it, but that's okay. 

Hope you are having a good weekend! 

Do you have any advice to share when it comes to having people over for a meal? 

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