Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Looking Back

Today I wanted to share some old pictures with you simply because I happen to know exactly where I was and what I was doing on this day two years ago. 

Two years ago today I spent the day with some friends. We decided to play tourist for the day. 

We walked around Plymouth. 

Walking around a town that is normally so busy and so full of life that is quiet and empty is a strange feeling. There weren't tourists anywhere. There wasn't very much traffic. The shops were closed up for the season. 

We went out onto the Cape and ate on the beach. 

The beach was empty. The ocean was bluer and greener. 

The place we picked up lunch was BUSY. I remember walking in and thinking that we had definitely picked a great place to eat. There were people crowded around every single little table. There were people lined up against every wall waiting for their orders. 

We headed to Chatham where things were a little more lively. We looked in shops, bought some fudge, and just took our time enjoying a chance to slow down. 

Then we went home, built a fire in the fire place, and had caramel apples, apple cider, and s'mores. There may or may not have been some festivities involving Guy Fawkes.

That day was wet and cold and windy. 

I regret that I didn't take more pictures. I don't have any pictures of or with the people I spent the day with. No pictures of Chatham. No pictures of the beach. 

But I do have pictures in my mind. I do have memories. 

Two years later, this day is cold and dry and windy. The people I spent that day with are not near me. One is across the ocean. The others are across the country. None of us are having fires or burning anything in them. 

Today I'll be on my way home from spending a few days with a friend of mine. 


  1. How awesome is it to hold onto our fantastic.
    It looks like y'all had such a great day! <3

  2. This sounds like it was a fantastic day. So cool that you have such a great memory of it! :) Aren't days like that the best?

  3. Hi Victoria,
    I just found you over at Sasha's blog. I live near Plymouth~love your photos!

  4. I love looking at "this time last year" pictures!


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