Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Kitchen Privileges

It is no secret that I love to cook and bake. I can't say that I can hardly remember not knowing my way around the kitchen. 

I started by watching the clock while my Ghiddu fixed farina.

I joined my Grandma in rolling her famous meatballs. 

I stood on a stool stirring good old Campbell's tomato soup with my Mom. (To be made with MILK!!! Just sayin...)

I donned  a hospital hair thingy to make biscuits with my other Grandma.

No dates on this...I'm thinking somewhere between 1994-1996

I added 1/4 c. of baking soda to peanut butter cookies with my best friend and raided her Mom's kitchen for butter because we had used the rest of my Mom's with batch number one...We were also famous for our macaroni and cheese from the blue box and grilled cheese and tomato soup in years to come.

Slowly but surely, the stools were put away and the stupid mistakes stopped. Slowly but surely, I wasn't the kitchen help any more. 

Coming up behind me were three others...Three others who wanted to help. Three others who loved the kitchen almost as much as I did. 

Dec. 2008

To be fair, one of those was only two years behind me. He was not so much my "help" as my competition!

The other two though...They were my help. They took turns dumping the ingredients in when we made cookies. There were always two beaters to lick...The more that was left in the bowl and on the spoon, the better! They took turns adding the cheese to the macaroni. 

Sept. 26, 2008 and Feb. 28, 2012

They stood on the stool. 

They had little aprons and a chef hat. 

They were always there ready to taste test anything they could get their hands on.

Dec. 3, 2012

At 14 and 12 (nearly 15 and 13) they are a different kind of help. In reality, they don't actually need me anymore. 

Still, they humor me. They often join me in the kitchen even though they could just as easily do whatever I'm doing all on their own. 

Dec. 3, 2012

I love it when they put on on apron. When they get all excited about a beater. When they snitch dough while I'm making biscuits. I love it when they put up with the million pictures that go along with joining me in the kitchen. 

I loved helping. 

I loved being helped. 

Now, I love knowing that they loved it too. 

Memories...Make them. Cherish them. Sometimes, they're all you're left with. 

I look forward to making many more! For now, I've got millions to enjoy. For that, I am grateful. 

Dec. 2008


  1. aww i love it and the progression of pictures as they continue to help you!! :)

  2. Really enjoyed these pics... So sweet!

  3. This was perfect for Tuesdays Unwrapped! I love that you spend time with them like this...a good reminder for me with my toddlers. :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting!

  4. love this fun post:) also enjoy being mommy's helper in the kitchen when I was small- and still love to bake and even help her!! :)

  5. So many great memories come from cooking together in the kitchen. It is such a great way to come together.

    P.S. I'm with you... tomato soup MUST be made with milk. ;)

  6. Oh my, but you have some precious siblings! I cannot express deeply enough how much I appreciate the amount of your time you have invested in them. It was more your burden than theirs, and I'm glad you took it up willingly, lovingly, and daily!


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