Monday, January 21, 2013

The Scenic Route...Out the Window


Another beautiful, FREEZING winter day happened around here. Today I hit the road and took some pretty pictures of the scenery. That's what you're getting. :) 

Today was Martin Luther King Jr. day. We're all thinking of the man and the cause. At the mall today, there was a kids fair and there were kids EVERYWHERE. I saw several pictures of MLK and that was okay with me...I kind of love him.

Today was the second inauguration of Obama. We're all thinking of the man and the cause. I wasn't home to watch it, but I'm hoping to find some clips online. I watched things last time around and I want to this time around too. I seriously pray for him and the country he has been given to lead. 

Today my sister ended up in a cast. It's big and purple. Long story short, "ripsticks" truly are death traps. I am grateful that the fall I witnessed only led to the death of an arm. 

Tomorrow I'll be filling in at a coffee shop and I'm looking forward to it. When I was 15, I started working there and I worked there until college...Since then, I have filled in on emergencies when I am in town. I passed the job onto first my brother and now my sister...

I loved the summer that I spent opening the shop every morning. Maybe I'll tell you about that summer sometime!


  1. Those photos are all so pretty, but that first one... oh my gracious, GORGEOUS! Thanks for sharing!

  2. That first photo is gorgeous...

    xo erica


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