Monday, February 11, 2013

Babies and Birthdays

The baby shower for my friend Heidi was so much fun! There were people there that I haven't seen since before Christmas. As we enjoyed games, cakes, and watching Heidi open her gifts, it was one giant catch up session. 

I didn't bring a camera and I didn't pose for any pictures. Most of the days like that are left to be preserved by my memory. Sorry!

This week we've got another birthday to celebrate. It's my Mom's birthday. So far I'm planning to fix BBQ ribs, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and the rest needs to be ironed out. 

Also on my mind is getting my things together for my time with Heidi. You'd think I'd have this "temporary" move thing down by now...I don't! Every time I start thinking about what I have to bring, what I don't need to bring, and what I'll wish I had brought. I'm starting to get a little nervous. 

Good thing I have other things to keep me from getting too worried. :) 

What's going on in your life this week? 

Did your weekend leave you feeling refreshed? 


  1. How exciting that you get to help your friend! I was able to do that with a friend who had just had her fourth baby last year, and I so enjoyed it and learned a lot from her! Today I shoveled a huge pile of wood chips for five hours, and now I'm settling in to do some computer work I need to get done.

  2. A Baby shower and your mothers birthday all in one week! What great memories to be made! :) :)

  3. Sounds like fun! I love parties, especially for wonderful reasons like birthdays and babies!

  4. So glad you had so much fun at the baby shower! :) And a happy belated birthday to your mom! :)


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