Monday, April 22, 2013

A Kitchen...A Pasture

This picture is a good description of the last five days...A million things have been going on. "Cooking parties", time on the road, organizing my closet, laundry (laundry, laundry), cleaning out my car, birthday shopping, prepping for a trip, saying goodbye to my sister's first horse, catching up with people on the phone, and a regular bout of spring cleaning.

Summer is almost here! In the meantime, we've got a little bit of spring to enjoy.

Last week, my friend's daughter spent a few days here. To occupy her, I decided to pull out some recipes that have been "requested" lately. I forget how exciting the kitchen is for a 3 year old girl. Needless to say we had aprons and wooden spoons and some flour on our hands. 

In short...We had FUN. 

The Lemon Bars were a big hit. I was sad that I couldn't find my old recipe for them. Thanks to Google, we came up with one that worked just fine. 

Next up were some pretzels. Don't mind the junk EVERYWHERE. Also in the making were said Lemon Bars, bacon for sandwiches, fruit salad, and baked beans.

 I had to call in the reinforcements for the pretzel making! They made it even more fun and a WHOLE LOT FASTER. That and they saved my not so crafty self from making fat, ugly pretzels.

Saturday was the hard day. My sister has been sick and then we realized that her horse just wasn't doing very well. We were juggling making sure he was doing as okay as he could be and doing some spring cleaning in the house. 

I'm not big on animals, but horses have always been a favorite. It's hard to watch them decline as they grow older....It's really hard to watch them be sick while the little girl who loves them is hurting as she watches. My sister really isn't little, but I was thinking back to the day we took a very little girl to see if she wanted to buy him. 

God was good to make her horse dream come true and give her such a great horse to enjoy! I'm happy for her and glad she can lean on God through this tough time too. She got a horse and she'll be closer to God because of it all! 

Sunday I went with my Mom to do some shopping. We checked out some new stores and a new restaurant and picked up some things for my sister's birthday next week! 

We got what we were looking for and some good deals. I came home to finish one step in the process of organizing my closet. 

Sad, happy, busy, slow, whatever the last days have been for you, I hope that one thing is true of them...I hope that you have seen things that helped you take a moment to think of the God that is using them to show you more of who He is!!! 

Happy Monday. 

1 comment:

  1. =)
    You are so much fun...seriously! I want you as a sibling!


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