Tuesday, May 07, 2013

More in May

There's a challenge to "blog everyday in May" going around this month. I was thinking about doing it...Then it was May 3 and May 4 and May 5 and since I hadn't blogged yet, I decided it was just too late. 

My challenge? Blog more in May. 

We'll see how it goes. 

Lately I've been...

* Clearing out flower beds. Weeds and grass and spring flowers that have come and gone needed to be dealt with. To be honest, I'm kind of sad that part is over. 

*Dreaming about what to plant this year. I picked up some seeds and am trying to decide just how much I'm going to take on this year. 

*Listening to good music. Still enjoying Talented Xth and now I'm moving on to "Heroes For Sale".

* Rearranging things. My room, closets, cabinets, the fridge, and the garage. Operation: ORGANIZE. 

* Trying to "plan not plan" the summer. There are several places I'd like to go this year and I want to be sure not to miss special events happening at each place. The calendars have been printed and things have been penciled in (penciled = "plan not plan", it's an option but I'm not bound to anything). It's coming together!!!

*Enjoying time on the patio again! So far I've spent plenty of time out there, but Sunday marked the first MORNING on the patio.
*Cooking up new things in the kitchen. Over the last few days I've boiled taco meat, tried to figure out burrito sauce, and shot from the hip at some teriyaki chicken. I'm ready to do some things I'm comfortable with too....Cold brew coffee, anyone? 

So, it's May. It's almost summer. 

Winter has come and gone. It turned out to be a pretty good one. 

We celebrated the holidays, beat the "blues", played lots of games, celebrated lots of birthdays, saw my brother, spent time with my friend and her newly expanded family, put on a play, and made it out with smiles on our faces...Mostly! 

What have you been up to lately? 

What are your "plans not plans" for summer 2013?

1 comment:

  1. you've been busy busy!
    I've never boiled meat but i hear it is really delicious! :)
    Can't wait to read about what all you've been doing.
    Blogging can be such a finicky thing...some days i'm like "yay blogging" other days i'm like "i have nothing of worth to say" ha.


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