Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Most Helpful Distraction

The Tuesday before Thanksgiving 2013 is here. 

I have to be very honest. My mind is absolutely JUMBLED right now. Yours probably is too, so I doubt I have to explain myself. 

There are two times when I attempt to DISTRACT myself from the things that have me constantly trying to catch up. These times are Sundays and every night after dinner. 

During those times I don't even THINK about what needs to be done and what it will take to get them done. During those times, my mind is at rest. 

I read, pray, think about other things, play games, catch up with friends, bake, sleep, or watch something.

It's really good to do....BUT, it got me thinking. 

During those times I succeed at turning off my "I MUST" and simply focus on what is happening at any given moment. 

The "distraction" is really just Victoria living moment by moment with God. 

It led me to ask myself the question: 
Why do I only purpose to make those moments happen during times of rest? 

They do happen, so obviously the grace of God is there...I need that same grace during my times of work as well! 

Today I'm thanking God for the fact that when I rest, I seek Him. I'm also asking God to bring me to the place where I seek Him while I work as well. 
It's easy to get jumbled, and weighed down by life. 

I want God to work in my heart so that I live moment by moment with Him in spite of all the chaos begging for my attention. 

As I set goals and accomplish them, as I make commitments and keep them, what I really want to be focused on and be "distracted" by is Him. 

Do you have times you set aside to tune out to the stuff that makes you feel crazy inside and tune into God in order to calm your soul?
I'd love to hear about it!!! 

1 comment:

  1. not fully.
    I need to be more intentional in this and MAKE time - set aside time to make it really happen. I have my moments of prayer, and quiet, but they are few and far between. I was just convicted of walking with headphones in during my break every day. it isn't a bad thing for now and then but tuning out all noises and "distractions" while walking isn't a great thing either. I should be using that time to pray.
    great thought provoking post as always <3


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