Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Quiet Hearts

I've got some simple words for you today....It's a challenge really. 

I want to challenge you to spend some time today in the Bible. 

Simple as that, grab it, go somewhere quiet (and preferably warm) and just read. Underline or highlight if you want to or just read. 

This read through that I've been doing has been so good for my soul! I look forward to getting away in order to see more of this book that has been a big part of my life for over ten years now.

This February snow has me feeling a tiny bit stir crazy. Add to that a quick trip to the mall to see a movie last Friday and I was reminded that there are PEOPLE out there.

I've got friends I want to see and some shopping I want to do but it's cold and foggy and there is ice and snow so I know it's wisest not to leave this little town of mine....

Reading the Bible isn't making the crazy inside of me go away, but it HELPS. My time in God's Word helps me see beyond the crazy inside of me! 

Go there. You'll be glad you did! 


  1. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Thank you for this reminder and challenge! I've been missing my time reading in general, but certainly my quiet time.

  2. i agree wtih jess - thank you for the reminder and the challenge.
    i've SUCKED at reading my Bible and i have to change it.
    i love how you said "God's Word helps me see beyond the crazy inside of me!" amen friend amen!


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