Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Circle: Thank You Notes

This month, Kiki and Jess are hosting The Circle link up. Kiki described this month's theme this way:

While I know that most of us are not born with the gift of comedy (ahem, me), Jess and I have also realized that it's of equal importance to write sincere thank you notes to those people and things around you that you're thankful for, too. Think of them as little notes of love or laughter. You take your pick!

I'm going the serious route...

Thank you God for knowing me and making yourself known to me. Though I have to fight to keep my eyes on You, the sight that you have given to me is precious to me. For all these things that I'm about to mention, I am grateful, because I know they are meant to point me back to you.

Thank you John Piper and Desiring God for delighting in helping others come to see and savor God. My life began to look a lot different after you taught me that "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." The pursuit of God IS magnificent. Thank you.

Thank you Mom for following so hard after God. I love you! 

Thank you to my siblings for letting me be "Sissy" for all these years...I love our talks, our laughs, our games, and watching each of you grow and try things! 

Thank you BBC for taking great books and ideas and turning them into lovely series (I cannot figure out how to make that word plural). 

Thank you Twinings for making such nice tea. I've really enjoyed them over the last few years. 

Than you Blogger for making a way for people to write and connect over even the silliest things. 

Thank you God for all the variety You've put in my little world lately...I'm thinking especially of the flowers coming up in my bulb garden, the warm and sunny days, and days like today that bring a dose of rain and dreariness. 

Thank you READERS it's fun to know that you're reading along. I especially love when you comment and tell me about the place where you blog! 

What are some things you're THANKFUL for? 

Maybe you'd like to join in the link up this month? 

In Its Time


  1. This is a beautiful blog post and thank you list! I hope you have a wonderful day! And I'm going stick around on your blog for a while ;)

  2. Your thank you's are definitely from the heart! :)

  3. I love your note to Blogger and your readers! Blogging truly is a blessing and has been such an amazing way for me to connect with and befriend so many people--all over the country and the world! So grateful for our friendship and ability to connect and encourage and relate with each other! :)

    Thanks for linking up!

  4. Such beautiful little notes! It's important to acknowledge the great things that God does for us, and all of the wonderful people and things that he puts in our lives, and that is exactly what you did!

  5. I love Blogger and blogging! I've met so many cool people I would have never met had it not been for the blogs! Like your blog for instance!!

  6. I love that you recognize the beauty God brings to your life! From the flowers in your garden to the wonderful connections you make with other bloggers. I love your thank you notes!

  7. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I LOVE that you went the serious route! :)

    I definitely agree about John Piper and Desiring God. If I have to be honest, I've had that book forever and I'm still not finished reading it. It is so deep (read: convicting), but a great one. I really need to finish it. ha! But, the pursuit IS magnificent!



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