Friday, July 18, 2014

From Four Days

July 17, 2014
Don't mind my I've been swimming hair and going all day eyes. :)
The last six days were mostly really good!

Saturday we got pumped up about geocaching again after we went to a class and grabbed a few caches. We got some of our favorite chinese and it was a great day.

The highlight of Sunday was finishing a game of Kojak. I lost. :(

On Tuesday we went to visit some friends who are all camped out for the week. There was swimming and talking and eating. When we were done we picked up our first trackable and hit two geocaches.

On Wednesday, I went swimming with my brother for a few hours. When I got home I made "THE best dinner since you made steak" according to my brother (homemade chicken nuggets, oven potatoes, and watermelon).

Yesterday, my Mom and I went to the reflexologist in the morning. Then my brother and I went swimming again and I came home just in time to get dinner going. My sister came out to my garden with me and we picked the FIRST green beans of this season (this is also my first year growing green beans) and I fixed them with dinner.

When everything was ready, I took a plate to Al. We visited and then we moved out to visit on his porch and then we took a walk through his garden. He ended up giving me four of the cutest little zucchini! When I got home my Mom announced that she wanted to try out the new Etrex 20 that came in the mail yesterday. We geocached until it was too dark to see. We picked up another trackable, took her to some of our favorite caches, and even discovered two caches that we've never visited before.

Now it's Friday and there is so much to do before my little vacation begins on MONDAY!!! Even though I'll be away, I've got a few posts scheduled for next week because I've just had too much to share lately!

What happened in YOUR life this week?

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