Monday, August 18, 2014

Podcast Time

I got onto the podcast train as soon as it started. With all of the iTunes changes and the invention of Pandora and Netflix and Amazon Prime, I got off. Sometimes, I miss them. About once a year I ask my friends on Facebook about their favorite podcasts. I download a few and then give up all over again.

Last month I was on the hunt for some good podcasts to keep my company when the house is quiet. I came across THIS post about podcasts that Anne of Modern Mrs. Darcy put up earlier this year. I read through the comments and ended up with a new list of podcasts to listen to.

So far, the keepers are:

Books on The Nighstand. I like podcasts that feel like chatting with friends. This is that. The hosts chat about books that they've read, hope to read, or are reading. They take calls from listeners and sometimes include chats with guests. I'm looking forward to learning about new authors.

America's Test Kitchen. I love all things kitchen related. This show is both entertaining and educational. I'll take all of the tips I can get!

The Briefing with Al Mohler. (My Mom gets credit for making me aware of this one!) I don't know how he does it, but Mohler goes through the highlights of what's going on in the world. He states facts and addresses current situations from a Biblical Worldview. I heard "the rest of the story" about the Ebola outbreak in one episode and started to worry...Well, he quickly helped his listeners to see that God is bigger than any epidemic and that every epidemic serves as a reminder of our eager longing for Jesus Christ's return. This show is the perfect balance of news and truth!

BBC's The History Hour.  As they state in their description, you can expect to find "history as told by the people who were there." I love history and I love hearing about it through the eyes of people who experienced it. I am really excited to hear about all kinds of things through the stories these people have to tell!

What are your favorite podcasts? 

What do you look for in a podcast? 

1 comment:

  1. This is perfect...I've been looking for podcasts to listen to while I workout! I will have to check these ones out. Except maybe the cooking might be counterintuitive to think about delicious food while I'm suffering through a workout haha.


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