Wednesday, February 10, 2016

5 Recent Reads

After making my way through some great books last fall, I decided to finish up the 2015 reading challenge and then allow myself the freedom to read books that didn't come off of a list that I had made for myself. I get in the mood for that kind of reading just about every winter. This winter was no different and some great books have found their way into my hands.

Here are five of my most recent reads and my most recent submission to Quick Lit with Anne:

This is my first Sayers and it was a great introduction! I've also finished "Whose Body?" and am now craving more of her detective novels. Gaudy Night is set at Oxford in 1935 and is narrated by an authoress. Don't wait to pick this one up!

Just the kind of quick mystery I needed to go along with the stack of classics that I've been reading.  Kidnapping, FBI, and a woman with Olympic figure skating in her past collide in Thin Ice to make for an enjoyable contemporary mystery. 

 My poetry pick for January. I flew through the poems and savored the letters and the biographical information. If you want to get to know Emily, Linscott's selection of Poems and Letters by Emily Dickinson is a great source.

I ended up reading this when I agreed to teach a 5th grade literature class online. Teaching my way through The Swiss Family Robinson helped me to enjoy it more than I normally would have. Apparently, it started out as Wyss' survival guide for his children. Years later, one of his sons asked Wyss if he could get it published in his father's name. Knowing that makes you "Oh!" your way through it. As the story came to a close, I was actually sad to leave the family behind.   

A breezy YA novel that is perfect winter reading. Picture a book store, New England, and a mystery that sort of involves E.B. White who happens to be my favorite author from my childhood. Frederick is a fantastic storyteller and I think you'll Absolutely Truly love this book.

What have you been reading this winter?


  1. I want to read Absolute Truly just based on the adorable cover!

  2. Absolutely Truly looks so cute -- a perfect cold weather read like you said -- I will have to add it to my list!

  3. Swiss Family Robinson was one of the first books I read on my brand new Kindle 4 years ago (when I discovered I could get classics for free!). I loved the movie as a kid. But wait -- Goodreads says your copy has only 139 pages? Must be an abridged copy, mine had something like 400 pages. :)

  4. I haven't read HVF's other novels. I have to admit I loved Mother Daughter Book Club. Congrats on reading the classics....I don't tend to reach for those much on my own. ;-)

  5. Absolutely Truly looks like something I need to read.


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