Monday, March 14, 2016

Rainy Day Playlist

July 23, 2014

Remember when we were in jr high and mixtapes were THE thing? I spent countless hours putting together mixtapes for every mood.  Somehow there was always one song that seemed to belong.

It's been a few years since I burned a cd, but if I was going to create a mixtape for a rainy day these five songs would definitely make the cut. They're jazzy and moody and happy and I love them all.

La Vie En Rose this song has been stuck in my head for MONTHS. I can listen to it over and over again without growing tired of it.   

Dream A Little Dream of Me this one gets tossed in for the dose of happy that rainy days require. Fitzgerald and Armstrong brought a lot to the table and I love this duet of theirs.

Clair De Lune this is the extended version and I sometimes put it on when I'm reading or editing. It's mentioned in several books (The Small Rain by L'Engle and All the Light We Cannot See by Doerr to name a few) and if you listen to it when the house is quiet, you'll know why. Fun fact: It's the first song I played for a piano recital when I was 9.

Smile this song reminds me of my Mom. She never put up with pouty or grumpy children and often employed songs to break through the gray clouds of our souls.  My moods would break away with tears and a big smile on the first note nearly every time. This song manages to do the same thing for me. 

I See Fire when I was visiting my brother in September, he played this song for me while we were driving back to my Aunt's house after his graduation. Listening to it takes me right back to the drive that took way longer than it should have because of the rain and accidents. We were grateful for the delay.  

What's one song that seems perfect for every mood in your book?

What kind of music do you like to listen to on rainy days?

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