Monday, February 20, 2017

Back to Blogging

February 25, 2014

I apologize if I've bombarded you with posts lately. I have gotten back to blogging before. One of my downfalls is getting into a groove. The problem with coming back is that you are FLOODED with ideas. You take the time to develop each one and schedule posts only to step away because "I have posts scheduled" and then before you know it, you're not back to blogging anymore.

So, this time...I've been writing my ideas down and working on each one a little at a time. It has worked really well so far. I think it's safe to say that I'm "back" again.

Some of my tips from this time around:

Answer emails. People comment. Take time to TALK to them. This is how we bloggers say thank you to one another.

Sit in your chair and write. Take the pictures, upload them, and hit "publish". You don't get to schedule ahead of time yet. If you get too comfy, you'll lose your momentum.

Give yourself specific assingments. Photograph ____ recipe. Collect links for _____. Take an hour to write a post on ______. Honestly, this is the strategy that has made THE most difference.

Make time to read the posts your friends are writing. Don't forget to leave comments to let them know what you think.

Do any of these tips resonate with you?

How has your blogging strategy changed over the years?


  1. These are all great tips! I think building relationships with other bloggers has been one of my favorite things. I'm notoriously bad at responding to comments quickly, but I DO always respond to them. And if someone visits my blog, I check theirs out as well and leave a comment to let them know I said hi. :)

  2. I totally agree with all of this. I've ebbs and flows in blogging over the years too, but this year I feel like I've found a good groove. My strategy has been to just do something blogging-related for about 45 minutes a day. Either writing a post, thinking of ideas, commenting, or emailing. It's been working so far!


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