Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Getting Practical

In the last post, I talked about changing your crop by changing what you plant. I want to unpack that a little bit (just for you, mom)!

Changing your crop can be for the better or for the worse. Unfortunately, if left to ourselves, we tend to change it for the worse.

For example, ignoring your alarm clock once one morning will almost always lead to a habitual pattern of ignoring it the next morning. Eventually you find yourself ignoring it longer and longer. The cycle will continue until you eventually decide you've got to start over. The alarm clock gets set even earlier to allow for time to ignore it. The long term result is the same - you are sleeping as long as you possibly can. You give up your quiet time with the Lord and possibly even good habits such as making your bed, having a decent breakfast, etc.

I can give other examples. We are all very good at slipping down the slope of irresponsibility. That's why self-help books sell so many copies. :)

Now, for a positive example.

Changing what you plant requires that you are proactive.

Let's say you do not like the amount of time you spend in God's Word. Perhaps you are spending very little or no time in the Word and you know this needs to change. So, you set a goal.

You will never reach that goal unless you PLAN the daily steps you will have to take (what you plant) to meet that goal (grow that crop of faithful time in the Word).

What will those seeds be?

*Plan WHEN to read.
*Plan HOW long to read or WHAT to read.
*Gather tools - Bible, pencil, notebook, commentary, dictionary, something to drink- whatever you'll need to make the most of the time.
*Clear the space - clear the clutter, turn off distractions, settle down and be with the Lord.

As you faithfully plant each seed each day you will eventually find that you have a healthy crop growing in your life. You will find that you are consistently spending time in the Word of the Lord and reaping the harvest of its truth in your life.

This is so simple. Yet, in our sin, we make it so complex. We grow complacent and find ourselves unsatisfied.

It all starts with a seed.

What seeds are you planting?

Where have they gotten you?

May we all plant seeds of truth that come from Christ and find joy in the Lord, the One who makes them grow!

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