Monday, December 13, 2010

On Conversations Near and Far

Today, while waiting to see the chiropractor, I had a very good conversation with the man that has opened his home to me while I have been away from home these last few months. We were talking about family discipleship, the church, and living on mission for God's mission. In short we were talking about how our lives are not our own and using them to build the kingdom of God.

Along the way he said something that stuck with me. It is something I want to remember.

He said, "If you want to change your crop, you've got to change what you're planting"!

This is so simple, so true, and so wise. This change in the planting begins today. No matter what area of your life you are concerned with, changing it is as simple as changing what you are planting.

Making changes today will lead to changed tomorrow. You may be surprised at how far a small change can take you.

What a blessing it was to redeem the waiting room time!

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