Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013: One Word

As I prepare to look back on 2012, I am excited to look ahead to 2013! 

I really don't have any specific reason to be excited for this year, but for some reason, I am really looking forward to it. 

The last few years have been difficult years for me. There have been HUGE high lights and I have definitely enjoyed them. Still, I have had some things to deal with and face and decide. Things that I didn't see coming.

Nevertheless, God has seen me through. I have wrestled and struggled. I have been extremely happy and extremely sad. 

I feel ready to move on.

I feel ready for something new.

Maybe that's what makes 2013 different. It is one big empty slate. An empty slate, I am trusting God to fill.

He has been there in times that I have called "good" and called them good. He has been there in times that I have called "bad" and called them good. Maybe now, more than ever, I know that He is always at work. 

For 2013, I have decided to dwell on one word. In dwelling on that word, I will make it my goal to pursue it and look for it throughout the year. The word I will try to live out is this: DRINK. 

" Jeremiah 2:13, 'Be appalled, oh heavens, at this. Be shocked. Be utterly dismayed. For My people have committed two great evils. They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living water and have hewn out for themsleves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water.' 

Go to the fountain, go to the fountain. The opposite of coming to the fountain is evil, the essence of coming to the fountain is drinking and drinking and drinking until it satisfies your soul and you say, 'Ahhhh...'" 
John Piper

WHATEVER 2013 holds, the ONE thing that I MUST do is DRINK. More even than my body needs water, my soul needs water. I do not feed my body just any water. Neither can I feed my soul just any water.

God has given me an unlimited supply of the water my soul needs. Yet, over the last few years, through everything that has happened, I haven't given my soul the water. I have held my breath. I have grown weary and anxious. At points, I was even ill.

In 2013 I am sure there will be cooking and traveling and time with friends and pictures and writing and shopping. The day to day events of 2013 will probably look a lot like the events of the past 22 years. There may be death and sickness and tragedy or birth and life and health. Since I have no expectations, there will be things that I don't even expect.

WHATEVER 2013 holds, I will set my mind to going to the fountain to DRINK. 

It's simple, it will give me life, and it will make 2013 a year to remember. I hope you'll join me!

What's your focus for 2013?


  1. great idea, wonderful word choice and lovely promises!

    happy new year!

  2. As always, loved this!
    I have not gone to the fountain in a long time either. I think we get caught up in the "i know i can get through this..." without going to God first and last. <3
    You can do this, and i can't wait to see what He has in store for you!

  3. Loving this post! So full of encouragement!

    Happy 2013, girl :)

  4. Drink! What an unusual choice and so insightful! I love all the possibilities it offers . . . and I can't wait to hear more about your journey during 2013.

  5. Thank you for the inspiration.


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