Friday, December 21, 2012

Frankly Friday

Good morning, ladies!!! Yesterday I decided that after today's post I'll be checking out until next week sometime. I could be wrong, but I'm thinking that's true of so many of us that most of you won't even notice!

Enjoy your "week of Christmas"! Log off. Shut down. Be with the ones you love.
What Christmas 2012 has taught me so far....

1) If we take the time to study them, old familiar truths can mean so much more! I've talked about advent and I've loved slowing down to think about what it means to SEE and SAVOR Christ. RICH. 

 2) Gingerbread Hot Chocolate is the best. Maybe I'll break a rule and share my creation with you! It's new to me and inspired by ginger cookies. Recipes are probably out there. 

3) Speaking of recipe sharing....Christmas is a time we get bombarded with recipe requests. It makes my little "rule" very hard to stand by. 

4) Even the best laid plans can fall through. Two weeks ago, I attempted to start something new. Yeah...Right before, Christmas isn't the best time to start a new habit. 

5) I really don't like change...Even the idea of change scares me. TRADITION! 

6) We have SO MUCH to be grateful for. The ordinary moments of life are beautiful. God has given them to us that we might see more of Him. What is good, has us thanking Him. What seems bad, has us leaning on Him. 

7) Thinking about truth isn't enough, we've got to WALK in it. This Christmas, evil has sought to put a damper on things. The violence around our country, conflict in our own hearts, and of course, the struggles of people we know. 

8) Christmas shopping is still FUN. I love picking out gifts and going to get them. This year was no different. Wrapping gifts...That's another story.

9) I am TERRIBLE at wrapping gifts. I won't give you any examples. Just trust me. Measuring, cutting, folding, and taping, I'm worse than a kindergartener! 

10) Jesus is the reason for the season. Cliche as it has become. We love because He loved. We give because He gave. We live because He lived and died and rose again. THANK YOU, JESUS!
Merry Christmas to you all! 

I'm looking forward to hearing about YOUR holiday. 


  1. Christmas is definitely not the best time to start something new, especially diets. I've learned that the hard way, ha
    xo TJ

  2. Girl i am NOT a fan of change either, so no worries there! <3
    Love this list, and i'm with you, wrapping presents is not the best thing to do...i hate tape. ha.

  3. Merry Christmas to you!

  4. What a beautiful read! You have truly remember the reason for the season, God, family, and traditions! Wishing you the best.<3


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