Monday, December 17, 2012

The Scenic Route

The Scenic Route is an effort to document our weekends, favorite things of the season, or whatever we happen to have a bunch of PICTURES of at the moment.

Every Monday pop over here, grab the button, and write a post with PLENTY of pictures. Pop back over here and link-up the direct link to your post so that other
bloggers can see it too!

So, last week I didn't something I've never done before...I went to a midnight movie premiere. I have to say it was A LOT of fun and I would definitely do it again.

I went to The Hobbit with my Mom, brother, and sister. My brother dressed up and it was fun to see so many people having such a good time. 

I have never read any of Tolkien's books and I haven't seen any of the other movies since they were in theaters. So, there I sat in a room full of people who were VERY excited to see something they'd been waiting for.

Did anyone else see this movie yet? 

Did you check out Denny's hobbit menu? We opted for Applebee's, but a certain someone was hoping to see what it was all about. 


I think I had just as much fun watching the people watching the movie as I did watching the movie. We got there several hours early in order to make sure that we got decent seats. So, we took turns getting up, looking around, and getting snacks, we got some pictures, played cards, and just sat. 

 I am convinced that you put a bunch of people in a line or a dark room and they forget that they have people around them. Some of the conversations people were having blew me away.  I wanted to say, "Ummm, just so you know, I can totally hear you! And, really, you sound pretty pathetic...." 

Other conversations were simply FUNNY! Give a listen to what's going on around you...Especially in theaters. 

There was also present wrapping...Not enough present wrapping, but a start anyway. All of my Christmas shopping is officially DONE. Now, I just need to hurry up and get all of the wrapping done so that the pretty packages can be enjoyed before DEMOLITION day. 

Company came! I fixed a big pot of spaghetti and tried out a new recipe for cranberry bliss bars. Turns out, they were a hit! I've never had them at starbucks, but I've seen the recipe floating around online and they looked super yummy.

And...It snowed again. A winter storm blew through here this weekend. The snow came and started to go, but then it started right back up again. I know at least two people who were beside themselves with JOY. 

As a result of snow...There was bundling up and snowman (and snowbear) building. I only went out long enough to take some pictures of the progress. 

What a week....And here we go, the countdown has begun. CHRISTMAS is 8 days away! And the 2013 will be right behind it. 

I'm still thinking about all of the people whose Christmas will be different this year. So many of those people never expected Christmas 2011 to be their last "normal" Christmas....Christmas 2012 may hit them a little harder.

So it is with us...This Christmas 2012 may be more special than we think. Use it wisely! Spread the love and joy and peace of God to those around you...You don't know how long you will have the opportunity! 

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  1. My husband wants to see that so badly!! Sounds like you had a great time!

  2. gosh i love this, and girl you live in a BEAUTIFUL place...seriously!
    I still want to see the Hobbit, i loved all the other movies, and read the hobbit when i was younger.
    Random question, hope this isn't weird:
    who do you live with? parents/siblings/yourself? haha..i'm curious because you're always cooking!


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