Monday, September 30, 2013

Let's Look and Listen

Here we are, coming up on another month. This year has been happening so quickly and we have all made many MEMORIES up to this point. 

In those memories are moments of joy and pain, moments of courage and fear, moments where we thought we had it all under control, and moments where we just knew chaos had won. 

Whatever the MOMENT was, God was there. And where God is, there is GRACE.

My guess is, you probably didn't stop to THINK about that grace specifically. I'll be honest and say that while I am always coming back to what God is up to, I do a lot of coming back.

I love stepping back, going back, and tracing the hand of God. In THOSE moments, I find myself right where I long to be.

I find myself in the presence of God.

You've been in the presence of God. You've seen His glory. It has left you feeling a joy and a peace and a hunger for more of Him.

I'm inviting YOU to JOIN me as I stop to LOOK and LISTEN this month. He has for us many great things and they're all wrapped up in the moments of our everyday lives.

This marks the first day of 31 Days to Look and Listen: that we may declare the praise of God.

This series will explain itself as it unfolds. I'd love to hear from you. Please share what God is helping you to see and hear, what praises you are eager to shout! 

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