Monday, September 30, 2013

31 Days to Look and Listen

Welcome to 31 Days to Look and Listen: that we may declare the praise of God!

I'm excited to go on this journey of learning to see and hear God in our everyday lives.

What excites me most is that God has created this journey!

He is making the way, even now, for each one of His people to become people who CAN look and listen. 

From this page, you will be able to click on the daily posts as I write them! Get your Bibles and let's GOOOO. :)

Intro:  Let's Look and Listen

Day 1: He is Calling

Day 2: Three Poets

Day 3: That Place

Day 4: A Bigger Picture

Day 5: PAUSE - Good Things

Day 6: Declare and Demonstrate

Day 7: Longing for More

Day 8: A Story to Tell

Day 9: God's Mission

Day 10: Power of His Word

Day 11: No Empty Word

Day 12: PAUSE - 8 Months and A Song

Day 13: What Are You Saying

Day 14: Talk About It

Day 15:

Day 16:

Day 17:

Day 18:

Day 19:

Day 20:

Day 21:

Day 22: A Real Problem

Day 23: Not Far

Day 24: Glad to Know

Day 25:

Day 26:

Day 27:

Day 28:

Day 29:

Day 30:

Day 31:

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